Saturday, November 15, 2014

Moonrise Kingdom

        The first thing you notice is definitely the fog, there is a lot of fog in the air mainly in the distant. Could represent confusion or frustration in their lives, that is far away from them at the moment. The closer you get the characters the surroundings become more and more positive looking. For example you can see that the water behind them is very calm, reflecting their mood. It noticeably overcast, maybe another example of the calm nature 'in the air', not storming but also not overly bright and sunny. My final observation of the nature aspect,  is that the forestry is only on the sides of the two characters, nothing is behind them, keeping the focus on them, you could even say it is framing them.

       Now onto their wardrobe, or lack their of,  I believe it shows how comfortable they with each other. To be half-naked in front of a person you must be comfortable with them. To the right of the boy there is brightly colored suitcase, not only drawing attention to itself but also pointing out that they are away from home. Moving onto the objects in front of them; the record player, her shoes and her binoculars. All are one very old looking leading the viewer to think that this movie may be set in the past. But the objects are all front in center, drawing just as much attention as the two characters, presumably because all those objects are very much involved with the rest of the movie.

The last thing I will discuss is the characters themselves. First off they are both facing each other which by body language 'laws' that means they like each other (friendship or in a romantic way) or are just enjoying the others company in general. She is casually dancing by slightly moving her hips and legs, while he is just giving it all he's got, maybe showing that he is more outgoing. Neither of them are looking at each other, I don't believe this is as a show of dislike (as I've proved earlier they like one another) but more just due to that they are really into the music.

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